The career fair is an event that offers a chance for both the potential applicant (which could be you!) and the employer to meet in person. Typically, it offers the employers a chance to meet new talents and for new talents to meet new employment or opportunities.

If you are interested in looking for either an internship or full-time employment, then a career fair will allow you to talk to recruiters 1 on 1. This is a rare opportunity that could lead to that offer that you wanted!

If you are attending NC, then all you need to do is to purchase the Career Fair pass for an additional $10 (or $15 after 8/26/23).

SASE National Convention is an event for professional development, and we are here to help you get noticed by employers. The Resume Database allows you to upload your resume to our system which is sent to the recruiters in our network. This increases your chances of being noticed by recruiters.

After registering for the conference, there will be a separate email that will be sent to the NC attendees. Within the email, there is a link to upload your resume to the Resume Database. 

The Resume database will be shared with recruiters at SASE Career Fair, so it is the best option to expose yourself to as many recruiters as possible. 

We often have a lot of amazing companies who are willing to come early to get to know you sooner! Hospitality Suites occur on Thursday evening, October 12th, where recruiters will have a designated area for candidates to network with them in a less formal setting. This would be a great opportunity to secure an interview time with a desired company before the career fair!

Yes! Resume review sessions are a great opportunity for you to see where your resume is strong and where it may need to be strengthened to give your resume that edge before it is seen by a recruiter. Many attendees were also given job offers during this process.


We all know that Career Fairs can be exciting. For you to gain the most out of the career fair, please adhere to the following recommendations when you interact with recruiters. To ensure that both you and the recruiters on site can gain the most out of the limited time spent together, here are some tips:

SASE NC Career Fair will post potential companies who will be attending the career fair. Make sure you know who will be there!


The proper protocol is still to reply to them! Not following up regarding an internship or job offer is unprofessional and could burn bridges at the start of your professional career. This mistake may lead to consequences that you may not foresee later in your career.

Sometimes, you pique a recruiter’s interest during the career fair, so the recruiter wants to schedule an interview with you! 

Congratulations! You are one step closer to securing an internship or job offer!

Don’t panic, and make sure to be as professional as possible. Be prepared to talk about your experiences and most importantly, believe in yourself!